Posts in Self Care
What I Wish I Knew About Postpartum

I wanted to talk openly about this topic as we often put so much focus on pregnancy and baby (which we should) but not enough on helping mom properly rest, recover and nourish herself in the days, weeks and months after baby arrives.

Studies show that thyroid dysfunction affects 25% of new mothers, compared to only 3-4% of the general population, alarming I know, right? So, why do we not talk about this more?

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DIY Non-Toxic Soy Candles

The holiday season is officially here, and that means partys, festive meals and time spent with loved ones. When your struggling with gift ideas, I think going homemade is a sweet and inexpensive way to show someone you’re thinking about them. I’m someone who loves the calming ambiance that candles create, but haven’t used them much in recent years because typically store bought candles come littered toxic chemicals.

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Relaxing Herbal Soaks

As a new mom, it can be extremely difficult to find a moment to yourself, but when you do, it is oh so good. Even though finding the time can be tricky, it’s so important to make sure you take it, even if its brief, to re energize and find moments of calm. Personally, I feel like this time helps me come back to myself, and helps me to be better equipped to give my best to Jude.

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