Relaxing Herbal Soaks


As a new mom, it can be extremely difficult to find a moment to yourself, but when you do, it is oh so good. Even though finding the time can be tricky, it’s so important to make sure you take it, even if its brief, to re energize and find moments of calm. Personally, I feel like this time helps me come back to myself, and helps me to be better equipped to give my best to Jude.

Herbal baths are such a lovely way to disconnect and unwind. Some of my favourite ways to enjoy are, with a book, a big glass of lemon water, or sometimes a glass of wine :) I also make a conscious effort to leave my phone in another room, so that I can completely disconnect.

There are so many options for herbal bath soaks, but here are a few of my favourites:

Rose Petal Love


1 ½ - 2 TBSP of dried rose petals

2 cups boiling water

  • Let the petals steep for 20 minutes or more. You can then strain them and pour the liquid into your bath. Note - I like to leave the petals in the water to watch them float as I soak

  • Add the herbal infusion to a warm bath

  • Relax in the tub for at least 10-20 minutes

  • Rinse with lukewarm water

Postpartum Love

This beautiful herb blend was given to me by a friend and was so helpful for my healing after I gave birth to Jude. This blend was pre-made by Rooted Natural Products, a company out of Vernon, BC, but you could adjust any of the ingredients to suit your needs if you were mixing your own dried herbs at home.

Rooted Natural Products mix is a blend of Organic Calendula, Organic Comfrey, Organic Witch Hazel, Organic Thyme, Organic Yarrow, Organic Lavender and Dead Sea Salts

Healing Comfrey Love

Recipe from The Herbal Academy

Comfrey was traditionally used to promote healing of bruises, sprains, fractures and broken bones, and is known for its anti-inflammatory actions. Naturally, this is a great herb to add to help support any aches and pains.


3 tablespoons fresh comfrey or 1 ½ tablespoon dried

2 cups boiling water

  • Chop the comfrey leaf and place in a 1 pint jar.

  • Pour boiling water over the comfrey and let steep, covered for 20 minutes to 4 hours

  • Strain out the herbs, reserving the liquid for the bath

  • Add the herbal infusion to a warm bath

  • Relax in the tub for at least 10-20 minutes

  • Rinse with lukewarm water

You can also experiment with adding essential oils to your tub, but remember to drop the oils into a carrier oil first, and not directly into the bath water. Simply drop 5-10 drops of your favourite relaxing oil into a tablespoon of coconut oil and stir it into your bath before hopping in.

Note of caution - if using oils, they can leave your tub a little slippery so be careful next time you get in

Some of my favourite oils for relaxation are rose, lavender, camomile and bergamot.

However you choose to soak in the magic of a quiet bath, I hope you enjoy!