DIY Healing Salve
As we say goodbye to fall for another year and watch the days grow shorter and the dark nights longer, I just can’t help but love this time of year. When you see the warm glow of Christmas tree lights from people’s windows, the streets lit up with coloured lights and decorations and the smell of spices from the kitchen. To me, this is a sign that the holiday season is here!
This time of year isn’t always full of cheer for everyone, depending on the season of life you may find yourself in. Last year was a difficult Christmas for my family, but through the hard moments, I still saw so clearly how this time of year can bring people together no matter what the circumstance, and it gave me a gentle reminder that, all you need is love.
To share a little homemade love with my friends and family this year, I’m making simple healing salve, using calendula (Calendula officinalis).
You may recognize calendula for its bright orange petals that are harvested in the summer months. Calendulas flower heads and petals are most well known for their anti-inflammatory properties, as well as their antiseptic properties used for helping to aid healing wounds. This beautiful herb is a great all around remedy for skin problems ranging from sun burns, minor cuts & scrapes, to acne, making this the perfect addition to our homemade salve.
Simply put, salves are ointments combining herbs with oil and wax and are used topically to treat the skin. I’ve even used this salve to help relieve any itching or irritation when Jude had cradle cap.
In order to make this salve, I started a few weeks ago by making my calendula infused oil.
Calendula Oil
1 1/2 cups of dried calendula
3 cups olive oil
Crush the dried calendula with a mortar and pestle, then add herbs and oil to a clean glass jar. Work out any air bubbles with a clean knife or spoon, seal the jar and mark it with the date. Store the jar in a sunny place and let sit for 3-6 weeks.
If you’re short on time and don’t want to wait 3-6 weeks for your oil, you can make it using the stove top method. Simply set up a double boiler. Add your herbs and over with your oil. Once warm, turn the boiler down to low and let the oil and herbs cook for several hours
Once your is ready, you can strain out the flowers and pour the oil into a clean container and you’re ready to make your salve.
When making salve, a general rule I learned from the Herbal Academy is 1/4 cup of wax for every cup of oil. I find this makes a perfect silky smooth salve.
Calendula salve
2 cups calendula oil
1/2 cup beeswax (use carnauba or jojoba wax for a vegan alternative)
Pour your oil into a saucepan and slowly heat on low
Slowly add your wax (I used beeswax) and stir until combined and melted
You can do a quick spoon test and add more oil or wax if you need to adjust the consistency
Quickly pour your salve into clean containers
Seal with lids, label and store in the fridge. You don’t want your salve to melt. If stored properly in a cool location, salve can last from 1-3 years.
This recipe fills 9 2oz tins.
I hope you enjoy this simple recipe to share some homemade love with those you care about this holiday season.
Happy Holidays xo