3 Reasons Why I Love Calendula


Since I’m obsessed with using my calendula salve at the moment, I thought it would be fitting to take a deeper look at how versatile this herb actually is.

Not only is the calendula flower beautiful, it is one of the most used herbs in western herbal medicine. Originally from southern Europe, calendula can grow throughout the world, in almost any soil. Calendula, or pot marigold, is part of the Asteraceae family, with about 20 different species falling under the genius, calendula. To capture the medicinal properties of this herb, it is harvested as the flowers open in early summer. Once harvested, the flower heads and petals are removed and dried for a variety of different uses from bites and stings, to diaper rash. Dried petals and flower heads can be used to make water infusions for taking internally, or oil infusions for crafting creams and ointments for external care.

I could go on and on about the versatility of calendula, but for the sake of keeping things short and sweet, here are my top 3 reasons for using the magical herb.

  1. I have recently ditched Polysporin for my homemade calendula salve. Calendula is antiseptic, with some constituents being anti-fungal, antibacterial and antiviral, making it an excellent remedy for cuts and wounds. I even used the oil for recovery after the birth of my daughter, based on the recommendation of my midwife.

  2. Calendula’s anti-inflammatory properties make it a great option for red inflamed skin, like diaper rash or sunburns. I use my calendula salve on Jude’s diaper rash, her cradle cap (when she was younger) and her chapped cheeks from Alberta’s dry winter weather.

  3. I love to take advantage of calendula’s astringent properties on my face to help minimize pores, reduce swelling and dry up any oily skin.

I purchase organically grown, dried calendula officinalis from Mountain Rose Herbs for making my own home remedies and teas. While this herb is considered relatively safe for use, it may cause allergic reaction in rare cases, so as always make sure you consult with your health care provider prior to using herbal products.

I hope you’re able to explore and fall in love with this beautiful herb as much as I have.